Free Printable Renaissance Worksheets for High School [PDF]

Renaissance is a period from the 14th to 17th century that saw upheavals in all walks of life in Europe. It is the period where societies, people, and mindsets went through a transformation and became more receptive towards changes in cultural understandings. Renaissance constitutes a major part of the high school curriculum. Learning it through … Read more

Free Printable Bill Of Rights Worksheets [PDF]

Bill of Rights is taught to children about four times in the school curriculums. The topic is introduced in 5th grade in the American Studies course. In middle school, it is a part of the American History Course, and in high school grades, it is included in American Government and Civics Courses. The Bill of … Read more

Free Printable Thomas Edison Worksheets [PDF]

Thomas Edison was a noted American Inventor. His inventions played a significant role in developing human civilization in a modernization-centric manner. His stories of inventing innovative things amuse and enthrall kids at a very young age. A unique thing about him was that he excelled in his field despite facing various kinds of difficulties like … Read more

Free Printable Types Of Government Worksheets [PDF]

Every country needs an apex ruling system or leadership to maintain law and order in the country. This ruling system or leadership code is known among us as ‘Government.’ Apart from law and order, it is also needed to improve inter-country relationships, and for the formulation of policies directed at growth and development.  Students from … Read more