Printableshub is an attempt to provide a one-stop place for all printables needs of students, teachers, and schools. We aim to provide interactive and challenging worksheets, charts, and templates on regular basis. While we do add fun to our printables, we strictly stick to the official academic curriculum.
Hi, I am Manpreet Singh and I have founded Printableshub in the year 2021 after realizing the lack of good learning printables on the internet. I was already busy working on my project, named, NumberDyslexia, which is an educational blog/website for aspirants especially those with learning disabilities.
One day, all of a sudden, I got bombarded by emails asking me to do more of the printable handwriting practice sheets that I posted recently. To my shock, I realized there is a serious lack of good quality worksheets and charts on the internet. This is where We decided to put our focus into it. And We didn’t want to deviate much from the topic in NumberDyslexia. So, Why not a site just for all the educational printables? And Printableshub came up to my mind.
A little about us….
Er. Manpreet Singh, Founder & CEO : An engineer, blogger, writer, Maths expert, Online Tutor, and animal rights activist. In more than 5+ years of my online teaching experience, I have helped many students struggling in maths and other complex topics by adding fun practice sessions for core learning. I am also the founder of Smartynote -‘The notepad app for dyslexia’, An app that I specifically made for dyslexic people for assistance in note-making. You can follow me on FB and Twitter.